Chatsworth, CA Residential Cleaning


Looking for a fab cleaning crew right in our sunny neighborhood? Well, look no further! We're Kare Teem Cleaning Service, and we're super stoked to bring our cleaning magic right to your doorstep in Chatsworth, CA.

Sprucing Up Chatsworth, One Home at a Time!

We’re all about making Chatsworth shine brighter. It’s not just about dusting and mopping; it’s about adding that special Kare Teem touch to every cozy corner in town.

residential cleaning Canoga Park, CA

Your Space, Your Way:

Every home in Chatsworth has its own heartbeat, and we totally feel it. Whatever your place needs — a quick spruce-up, a deep down scrub, or just some regular ol' tender loving care — count us in!

Eco-Love All The Way:

Big fans of our beautiful planet here! That’s why we’re all about the green cleaning vibes. Good for your home, good for our Chatsworth parks, and oh-so-good for Mother Earth!

Meet the Dream Team:

Our Kare Teem crew is a bunch of friendly faces who know their way around a mop. Think of us as those friendly neighbors who just happen to love making spaces sparkle.

Fit Us Into Your Day:

Chatsworth life is a mix of fun, sun, and everything in-between. So, whether you’re an early riser or a sunset chaser, we’ll sync up with your schedule.

That Special Kare Teem Glow:

What’s our secret sauce? A sprinkle of passion, a dash of care, and a whole lot of love for Chatsworth! Choose us, and we promise to leave your place with that radiant Kare Teem glow.

So, lovely folks of Chatsworth, if you're ready to see your place shine like never before, give us a shout! Let’s create some cleaning magic together! 🌟

Request a Free Estimate Today!

Neighborhoods in Chatsworth, CA

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